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Pankaj Jagannath Jayswal

This book is about youth, has strong potential to succeed materially as well as spiritually, facing challenges, obstacles, as a parent, teacher, and society, how it needs to be handled, is the main theme of this book.
Pankaj Jayswal, is an author written a book on PM Modi “Modi Era…” in Feb 2019.
Book on youths in English and Hindi shall be released on 23rd May 2020.
English book: Youth: Reflection of Universe
Hindi Book : Yuva: Bramhand Ka Pratibimb
Writing a series of books on various topics of importance for society and the nation.
Writing Articles/Blogs on various topics in TOI, Speakingtree and other news web portals.
As a counselor, helping youngsters to come out of depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies (Free).
Educationist, AOL Faculty, Life Coach, Electrical Engineer.