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Priyankini Mahanta

Priyankini Mahanta, a small town girl hailed from Barbil in Orissa. She used to be a very SHY who never liked to socialize much. She used to like to be with herself. Like everyone else, she joined rat race to become a doctor or an engineer at least. She completed her B. Tech. in Biotechnology and came out of college with high hopes of getting a well-paid job in the field of life sciences. Life had its own plans, and she ended up being a Banker.Three days after joining UCO Bank, she realized that Banking was not her cup of tea, This was when a Trainer in her was born. She always found herself confused in life. She had never taken any decision of her own. She took opinions from people who messed her life up every single time. One fine day, low in self confidence, fed up of herself, she dropped into a life coaching seminar in Begaluru where she met people like whom she always wanted to become. she met her mentor Arfeen Khan and her life turned around. She started focusing outward, she made it a mission to contribute to other's lives. Today she is a Public Speaking Trainer, a confidence coach, an author and an acclaimed speaker. She has co-authored a book titled TRASFORMUSINGS available in amazon. She has developed an expertise in the field of self expression. She has worked with graduates, professionals and chindren as well. She has helped them to SPEAK OUT with confidence by breaking their limiting-beleifs and rewiring their minds with strong codes of self confidence.
She has a mission to impact one million people in the next two years.