As the title itself suggests , book is all about the emotional , moral , intellectual support as well as embarrassment faced by a person in different circumstances among different people , at different times and places and the deep feelings and the sensational sufferings , she or he undergoes . Also , the person makes endeavors to bring self out of all these but still not always being able to overcome all these situations…so finds new ways working on passions and thus able to handling the situation .
ba.newaskar –
नारी मन के भावों को दर्शाती सुंदर सरल पुस्तक, लेखिका को आगे की यात्रा के लिए बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं
preetisuyashjoshi –
बहुत ही सरल भाषा मै लेखिका ने किसी के (विशेष कर किसी महिला के) मन के बदलते भावो को लिखा है, मुझे बहुत दिल के करीब लगी चिर परिचित