In this gripping tale, CI Naresh, DSP Prathyush, and Dr. Ramesh collaborate on a groundbreaking rehabilitation program for former offenders, known as “butterflies.” The story weaves through intense courtroom drama, undercover operations, and the challenges of transforming lives. Dr. Ramesh’s innovative approach faces scrutiny but ultimately proves successful in providing second chances. The narrative explores themes of justice, redemption, and the power of human potential. As threats arise, undercover efforts by CI Naresh and Home Guard Veeru ensure the institution’s integrity. The novel concludes with a powerful message of hope and the enduring belief in transformation.
lingamallupk –
Kiran had well written this novel. This novel gives an innovative approach on giving the second chance for the people who have issues in life . We can identify the individuals of the novel in our circle. The novel is well written and maintains the tempo and is a page turner.
Good one to spend money and read a book
Looking forward to more books from the author, Kiran