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“Red” delves into the intricate connection between Sarah Ansari’s life and her underlying struggle with mental illness, unravelling a profound mystery. Born into a modest middle-class family in the serene suburb of Bandra, Sarah’s world revolves around her hardworking father, Tariq Ansari, her mother, Salma Ansari, courageously battling schizophrenia, and her ever-doting brother, Imran Ansari. The narrative unfolds from her formative years to the challenges she faces in adolescence, culminating in the diagnosis of her mental illness. Through the trials and tribulations that persist into her adulthood, Sarah embarks on a profound journey that leads to a life-altering revelation. Additionally, the narrative is enriched by a collection of nine poignant stories exploring the themes of love and life, drawn from the author’s blog, “Faith.”

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“Red” delves into the intricate connection between Sarah Ansari’s life and her underlying struggle with mental illness, unravelling a profound mystery. Born into a modest middle-class family in the serene suburb of Bandra, Sarah’s world revolves around her hardworking father, Tariq Ansari, her mother, Salma Ansari, courageously battling schizophrenia, and her ever-doting brother, Imran Ansari. The narrative unfolds from her formative years to the challenges she faces in adolescence, culminating in the diagnosis of her mental illness. Through the trials and tribulations that persist into her adulthood, Sarah embarks on a profound journey that leads to a life-altering revelation. Additionally, the narrative is enriched by a collection of nine poignant stories exploring the themes of love and life, drawn from the author’s blog, “Faith.”

Book Details

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Page Count


Published Year



5×8 in


Parinaz Jokhi


OrangeBooks Publication



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