The root canal system anatomy is remarkably diverse and unpredictable, contributing to the complexity while undergoing any endodontic procedures and these complexities increase as we travel from the coronal part to the root apex of the tooth. Complex root canal anatomies, characterized by the presence of curved canals, accessory canals, calcified canals, apical delta, isthmus, root fusion, presence of radicular groove, hypercementosis, taurodontism, dens invaginatus that pose unique challenges and demand advances skills, techniques, and technologies for successful treatment outcomes. Canal systems are, however, almost infinitely variable and can have lateral canals, additional canals, multiple foramina, accessory canals, accessory foramina, fins, deltas, loops, web or internal connections, and anastomoses. This book would reflect the challenges we face in predicting the various root canal anatomies in our routine clinical practice and the strategies in the management of such complex root canal anatomies.
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